Using Template A construct a table that describes the various characteristics of each market structure Answer

Using Template A construct a table that describes the various characteristics of each market structure Answer

Using Template A construct a table that describes the various characteristics of each market structure Answer

Using Template A construct a table that describes the various characteristics of each market structure Answer

Using Template A construct a table that describes the various characteristics of each market structure Answer

1. Using Template A, construct a table that describes the various characteristics of each market structure.

Perfect Competition Monopolistic Competition Oligopoly Monopoly
Number of Firms
Pricing Decisions
Output Decisions
Demand Curve
Ease of Entry
Product Differentiation

2. Identify a firm for each of these market structures and explain why each firm belongs in the market structure identified.

Perfect competition:



Monopolistic Competition:

3. Using Microsoft Excel, construct a graph for each of the market structures and explain how price and output decisions are made in each structure and how they differ.

Perfect competition


Monopolistic competition


4. How is marginal analysis used in the price and output decisions of firms in the various market structures?

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